About the library

The library is hosted by the Shira family, a multiracial, religiously Jewish, multiple-neurotype homeschooling family.

The library's mission is to provide books that affirm diverse people, including but not limited to people who may be Black, indigenous, other people of color, immigrant, transgender, nonbinary, queer, disabled, autistic, neurodivergent, minority religious heritage, refugees, cash poor, multilingual, affected by incarceration/war/systems, and others.

The library is a registered Little Free Library, Charter #103812. At the time of registration in the fall of 2020, the library is the only one in 02119. We would love to see more; please contact us at highlandavelittlefreelibrary@gmail.com if we can help you get one started. 

Fall 2021 edit: We now have several neighbors in Roxbury: Charter #71464/Boston Latin Academy, Charter #120295 135 Humboldt Ave, and Charter #120297/John D. O'Bryant School. The ZIP code and neighborhood searches on the LFL website are not reliable, but searching "Boston" and zooming into your desired area will find all the chartered libraries. 

Also, check out Read in Color, LFL's initiative to promote books celebrating people of color. The article about the Boston program has a map showing all of the libraries chosen for the initiative, including ours.